Last weekend I was lucky enough to stay at home and enjoy the local trails in my backyard with some friends. It only takes a quarter mile of squirrelly single track trail to get through my property and finally pop out onto the Dunbar Trail.
The Dunbar is a winter trail spanning decades of different use. Originally it was a utilitarian travel corridor for trappers and bush residents to reach the Alaska Railroad or Fairbanks to get supplies. Now it still serves the same purpose for some; but for recreationalists like me it opens up interior Alaska for an enjoyable day trip or an epic trip to Nome if I had the gumption.

Once Luke, Heather and I made it to the dilapidated cabin it was time to hang a left off of the Dunbar and dive into a single track route until we finally cut the Fireplug trail which would ultimately take us into Ester where we had stashed a vehicle to get us back home.

Josie pulled like a champ for most of the day, but she did run out of gas after the warm sun caused her to overheat a little bit.